Laos has brought itself upon us. The pace is set, the odds are clear, let the story begin...
From Huay Xai (Thai Border) to Luang Prabang takes the best of two days on the rythm of the mud-colored Mekhong. The three most exciting moments were (in chronological order):
A. suitcase falls of boat because of the lack of windows near the pile of bags and suitcases. Man from Tsjechie looks angry because his socks and Kundera books are getting soaked while one of the boatsmen tries to fish the bag out of the water.
B. Boatsman falls in the water after slipping while climbing of the roof, a rush of air flows trough the boat like a mexican wave as the audience (120 crammed tourists) wonder if the stream has pulled him under or not. He emerges on shore with a sheepish grin on his face and water dripping from his cellphone...
C. Tourist with backpack and plastic bag slips from the landing plank and lands in the water before getting safely on the riverbank. After two days of sitting together like sardines in a box watching jungle -mountains and rocks slide by at a relaxing pace, only those that really know the drenched fella gasp.
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