Bubbling along...
Days have been sailing by as I spent time shaping my matress into my slightly enlarged contours. It seems that my days in the east are coming to an end, and only because of me this is happening in a rather unspectacular way. In a city filled with possibilities and options, I seem to have a dull fascination for the small surroundings of my bed. Of particular interest have been: the never ending whipping noise of the fan in the ceiling, swooshing and wooshing the humid and hot air with the same determined enthusiasm as the biggest occupant of my room (me) has for rolling over to the cooler side of the bed, the sizzling sound of bubbles popping into the air as I spilled my soda on my nighttable. Actually, I was quite entranced while observing this small puddle of bubbles, trapped in warming water and determined to escape their surroundings. Their sheer willpower had a magnetic atraction on me. But all in all my days are filled with sleep and reading Von Lustbader novels, trying not to read too fast as I only have so many books to read before having to resupply myself. And the second hand bookshop is far these days. It involves taking public buses and walking in simmering heat amidst uniformed office-workers. Quite the urban adventure, these days... Anyways, I gotta go, It's lights out in the Internet-shop and Von Lustbaders latest criminal mastermind is on the run somewhere in my obscured room.
Komaan Erik, nog even doorbijten! Je kunt het.
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